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the masting and rigging of english ships of war 1625-1860

Autore: james lees

Editore: conway (bloomsbury publishing)

ISBN: 9780851772905



Raro esemplare della ristampa del 1990 della seconda edizione della Conway Maritime Press del 1984 in perfetto stato di conservazione. In-4, legatura editoriale con copertina rigida telata blu e impressioni oro al dorso; con sovraccoperta in carta plastificata (ingiallita e con qualche segno del tempo ai tagli) illustrata a colori con alette (tagliata al piede quella anteriore); 224 pp., con frontespizio grigio illustrato in bianco e oltre 600 illustrazioni in nero nel testo e tavole in nero fuori testo.

Designed by Jon Blackmore.

Dalla quarta di copertina: When this book was first published in 1979 it was immediately recognised as the standard work on the evolution of rigging, mast making and sail making. More than ten years later it remains the most comprehensive and informative work on the subject.

The author himself wrote of the genesis of this book: As the rigging of contemporary models deteriorated over the years and so few untouched models were still in existence, I felt that a book conveying the various changes in rigging was a necessity to prevent the historical data from disappearing. This book was therefore compiled over some ten years from information obtained from contemporary manuscripts, books, models, etc in the archives of the National Maritime Museum.

He went on to say of it: By use of this book it will now be possible for model craftsmen throughout the world, in the present and future, to restore or make models correctly according to the historical features of the various periods. It will assist restorers of marine paintings in the difficult task of replacing obliterated rigging, as well as providing a handbook of technical information for the maritime and war historian.

Organised for easy reference, this book has over 540 line drawings and 100 photographs and is as complete a documentation of the subject as could be desired.