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secret love


Sottotitolo: an extraordinary experience of life

Autore: carlo mari

Editore: carlo mari studio

ISBN: LDM1607865227

Da procurare su richiesta

Da procurare su richiesta

COD: LDM1607865227 Categoria:


From the preface of Mosè Bianchi: “The two of us leaf through this book, one next to the other: together. From the beginning we knew that it was a work on film: “real photography”, one might say; “as it used to be”, others could say. It is certainly not nostalgia that emerges from the images, nor it is a taste of retro. We say the shot is the winner: that moment which has been thought up, sought and brought to life, even up from the abyss. Not surprisingly, at a certain point the water disappears: as an element, certainly not because of the context.

A center of attention emerges from each page, a point from which it is possible to unravel a story: one’s own, that of the observer. We close the book, place our hands on it. We look at each other and, without saying a word, we reopen it to the first page. We are not alone: the author, Carlo Mari, has accompanied us through to the last kilometer of a journey in black & white, leaving us the surprise of discovery, the intimate discovery of each of us. Because photography has to suggest, to incite, certainly not make clear, explicit revelations. Only in this way is wonder born in the beholder and, browsing the volume once again, the surprise has increased.

The details, the contexts have emerged, those elements which punctuate: almost like a counterpoint to a pressing and decisive rhythm. Yes, that’s it: an almost musical harmony emerges from the browsed pages. Serious, majestic tones alternate with a penetrating and continuous treble. Large and small, wide and narrow, vast and minute, they find their own alternation, almost indispensable. We talked about water: it is there, it is perceptible, it could not be otherwise; but it does its job. It suspends, elevates, caresses, like a veil of wind. The rest is fantasy, ours, accompanied by Carlo’s.

There were two of us browsing through the book: Gianni Berengo Gardin and I. “Bello” he said, but we knew from the beginning that this would be the verdict. Black and white was the accomplice, perhaps even the analogical source; but the narrative, the story, has won above everything else. As Steichen said: “Photography’s mission is to narrate the man to man and every man to himself.” Carlo continually, obstinately applies this principle, wherever he is, without difficulty.
It is a merit, it is photography.”

Limited edition book

Supervision and text: Maurizio Wurtz and Umberto Pelizzari

Scientific Advisor: Angelo Mojetta

Edition: 2019