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nautical works

Sottotitolo: oeuvres nautiques – nautische werke

Autore: devaulx j.

Editore: taschen

ISBN: 9783836539234


COD: 9783836539234 Categorie: , ,


500 years after the historic French seaport of Le Havre was established, Taschen presents a facsimile reproduction of “Les premières œuvres de Jacques Devaulx, pillote en la marine”, first published by Le Havre–born Naval Pilot to the King Jacques Devaulx in 1583.

This extraordinary illuminated manuscript, dedicated to the Duke of Joyeuse, collates nautical, astronomical and cartographic ideas, as well as Devaulx’s own extensive notes, observations and records as a seafarer, hydrographer, cosmographer and cartographer. An encyclopedic reference for sailors, as well as a magnificent maritime showpiece for his royal employers, the elaborately annotated and decorated folios set out a vivid repertoire of naval and cosmographic tools and techniques, including astrolabes, nautical charts of the Atlantic Ocean, tabular statements of diurnal tides, star maps and measurements for solar altitude.

This edition of Devaulx’s stunning document, produced in collaboration with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, reproduces each of the 31 folios in all their dazzling art and science, including the original colorful illuminations, gold highlights and volvelles. The volume features essays by Jean-Yves Sarazin and Gerhard Holzer, as well as commentaries from a team of experts coordinated by Elisabeth Hébert, contextualizing Devaulx’s work with fascinating insights into 16th-Century seafaring and exploration.


Languages: English, French and German

Edition: 2018