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Sottotitolo: coastal landscape

Autore: luca tamagnini

Editore: photoatlante

ISBN: 9788886967167

Da procurare su richiesta

Da procurare su richiesta

COD: 9788886967167 Categoria:


From Luca Tamagnini words: “I am well acquainted with the coastal landscape of the Italian peninsula and that of the country’s larger and smaller islands. I have covered it all, on land and at sea, in search of images. A long coastline, nearly all of which I have also explored from the sky, by helicopter. Among Italian coastal landscapes, that of Sardinia is truly unique, inasmuch as large stretches are still completely pristine, maintaining the natural appeal of the Mediterranean as it was in the very beginning. Flying over or sailing along the coasts of Sardinia is a thrilling experience. The island has a coastline stretching 1385 kilometres, without counting the smaller islands. In the last three years, in different seasons of the year, I have covered it all not only from the sky, but also from land and sea, and I have explored all the smaller islands. I have lived this extraordinary experience above all in the off season, crossing the island from one sea to another, from East to West, following the sun and its light. The colours, the skies and the seas of Sardinia have hypnotized me and every photo has been an adventure”.

Foreword by Folco Quilici.

Languages: English, French and German.

Edition: 2010