Sottotitolo: the complete ibiza/formentera chart set (charts, plans and panoramic photos)
Autore: kinzelmann p. synge m.
Editore: tula’s
ISBN: 9788461157495
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Titolo libro
Nome e Cognome
– 2 large scale charts of the Balearic Islands
– 1 large scale chart of Ibiza and Formentera 1:740.000
– 1 large scale chart of Ibiza and Formentera with GPS waypoints
– 7 large scale charts of Ibiza and Formentera coastline 1:85.000
– More than 75 detailed plans of the ports, bays and anchorages around Ibiza and Formentera
– Photos and notes about weather in the Balearics and weather forecasts listings
Cm 21×29
Edition: 2017
La Libreria del Mare di Piera Casari e c. s.a.s
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