Barca Pulita
The history
Elisabetta Eordegh and Carlo Auriemma have been sailing around the world since 1988. In 1992, coming back from their 3-years globe circumnavigation, Carlo and Lizzi decided to make a job of their passion. That is why during the last 35 years they kept on sailing, trying to reach the most remote islands, to meet their primitive people and endangered traditions… and natural wonders, of course!
Barca Pulita, their 44′ ketch, is provided with solar panels and eolic generator so to be self-sufficient and pollute as less as possible. But Barca Pulita is also equipped with video cameras and professional filming equipment. Thanks to that, they produce documentaries about the people and the situations they meet. Their documentaries are broadcasted on Italian National TV, Swiss TV and are used for educational projects in the schools.
Carlo and Lizzi are also authors of some successful books! “Under the endless sky” tells the story of their first ’round the world trip. With a life spared between home and office left behind, they dive into the boundless oceans spaces… And they reach distant lands and forgotten islands! The book shows how the sea can deeply change the existence and the way of thinking of those who choose to live it intimately.
On the contrary, “African Ocean Blues“, their second book, speaks about encounters with people and natural beauty during a long sailing period along the coast of East Africa, from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean. Onboard of Barca Pulita you can meet shark hunters and nomads living in the desert. In addition, you will visit the pirate base of Socotra, the Chagos‘ Atolls and the villages of the external Maldives. “African Ocean Blues” is a journey out of the used routes, where desire for adventure gives the lead.
The following photographs are just a short preview of the pristine paradises that Lizzi and Carlo reach aboard their Barca Pulita.
To find out more about them, visit their website!
If you would like to buy their books and documentaries, you just need to click here!