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The best sea books
in the heart of Milan
since 1973

From time to time we like to entrust the waves of the sea with a message in the bottle. If you want to receive it…

Our history

La Libreria del Mare was born in the Seventies and is located inside an ancient grocery store in the heart of Milan. Today the bookshop boasts a selection of almost 10000 books and other items, obviously including nautical charts and pilot books. In addition, La Libreria del Mare promotes seafaring culture through a series of meetings with the most successful authors in the field. Among others: Giovanni Soldini, Bjorn Larsson, Simone Perotti, Davide Besana, Elisabetta Eordegh and Carlo Auriemma… Finally, the bookshop collaborates with numerous public and private institutions (BookCity Milano, Municipality of Milan, Ocean Film Festival Italia and Urban Blue City Milan).

Brand new!

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Barca Pulita

Barca Pulita is a 44 foot ketch with low environmental impact; her crew experiments new technologies for renewable energy conversion on board. For more than thirty years Elisabetta Eordegh and Carlo Auriemma have been looking for those islands where no one arrives in the middle of the oceans… And they got to the most remote and improbable corners of the planet, showing the treasures hidden in those hard-to-reach places.