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777 pilot book – apulia’s adriatic coast and tremiti islands; calabria, basilicata and apulia’s ionian coast


Sottotitolo: sea routes 30

Autore: dario silvestro – marco sbrizzi – piero magnabosco

Editore: edizioni magnamare

ISBN: 9788862000949

Da procurare su richiesta (tempo di attesa: 21 giorni circa)

Da procurare su richiesta (tempo di attesa: 21 giorni circa)

COD: 9788862000949 Categoria:


The 777 pilot book series has been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts, chartlets and also de­scriptions of harbours and shelters.

As a result, users today have an au­thoritative, comprehensive and use­ful tool to navigate in safety whilst maximising enjoyment.

The strengths underlined by the publisher are:

  • personal inspection to all the moorings and anchorages and their surroundings;
  • network of on-the-ground researchers to collect information and provide updates;
  • suggestions of onshore itineraries and services useful to yachtsmen;
  • telephone helpline for assistance;
  • video tutorials of the main ports and anchorages.

The goal is to accompany readers and provide them with faithful and up-to-date information.

  • 168 Colour Pages
  • A4 format
  • Paperback binding
  • 43 General Charts
  • 118 Nautical Plans

Edition: 2022