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25th hydrotec – creative naval architecture


Sottotitolo: heading for the future

Autore: sergio cutolo

Editore: sagep editori

ISBN: 9788863737677

Da procurare su richiesta

Da procurare su richiesta

COD: 9788863737677 Categorie: ,


From the preface by Roberto Franzoni: […] Engineer, technician, number cruncher; architect, idea man, definer of forms, inventive; designer, combiner of signs, colours and materials. […]

This is the path taken by Sergio Cutolo, born an engineer, raised among the architects, hybridised with designers. After having founded Hydro Tec 25 years ago […] he has come to characterise his studio, his creative company in a holistic vision of the project that can provide the client with a result that includes all aspects.

Hydro Tec’s holistic vision of the project and its development stems from Sergio Cutolo’s ability to scientifically manage naval engineering and poetically the design of the entire yacht, blending all aspects with the creativity of poets and scientists. […]

It is a unique proposal of its kind that Sergio Cutolo has been able to put to good use, drawing on his composite experience, thanks also to the innovative and dynamic contribution of the new generations […] to offer the world of yachting business a unique proposal with no equals in the genre, which will certainly create a possible trend in the profession and in the sector, but which will still see Hydro Tec at the head of the ranks, a leader for the next 25 years.

Edition: 2021