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vhf afloat


Subtitle: vhf-dsc explained – covers the short range certificate – clear, concise and in colour!

Author: hopkinson s.

Publisher: fernhurst

ISBN: 9781904475095

1 in stock (can be backordered)

1 in stock (can be backordered)


A VHF set is in constant use on any boat. You can call other craft, marinas and the Coastguard. You can listen to information broadcasts, gale warnings and even get advice from a doctor. A very useful bit of kit.

But VHF just got better. Connect the set to a DSC Controller and your GPS and you can send a distress message automatically at the touch of the red button. The signal contains your identity and position and is repeated every 4 minutes. You are now using Digital Selecting Calling, which is part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and stand an excellent chance of being rescued. This book is written with a light touch and is clear and easy to understand. It is beautifully illustrated in colour and features computer simulations of DSC procedures. Use it to pass the exam, then keep it on board for reference. When you need to make a call, the facts wil be at your fingertips.

– How to set works

– Which channel to use

– Types of VHF call

– Digital Selective Calling


– Emergencies and rescues

Edition: 2004