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the lighthouses of hawai’i


Author: dean l.

Publisher: university of hawaii press

ISBN: 890142858

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1 in stock (can be backordered)


“The lighthouses of Hawai’i”, a history of aids to navigation in the Islands, describes the strenuous efforts necessary to establish and maintain many of the early lights on stark inaccessible coasts, as well as the modern-day lights and the personnel who maintain them. Love Dean’s book offers vignettes of life in Hawai’i as experienced by the dedicated lighthouse keepers. Descriptions of lighthouse sites, including the significance in Hawai’ian mythology and reasons for their selection, are presented in historical context, island by island. Dean details construction and the equipment installed; she also traces the improvements in technology that resulted in a succession of structures at specific locations. A chapter is devoted to the ships used as lighthouse tenders and there is a list of lighthouse keepers with positions and dates of tenure. A glossary provides explanations of technical terms.

Ripped cover.