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rowable classics


Subtitle: wooden single sculling boats & oars

Author: strickler d.j.

Publisher: woodenboat books

ISBN: 9780937822968

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Provided on request


Sculling addict Darryl J. Strickler will tell you all about the history, design and especially the use of single rowing sculls (the long narrow boats with the outrigged oars). He covers builders in the UK, Europe, Australia, Canada and the US. Canada builders include Kaschper, Levator and Hudson and the appendix includes lines drawings of a Kaschper shell. European builders include Stampfli, Pirsch, Empacher and others. For the US, Pocock from the Seattle area, Garafalo of Worcester, MA, Helmut Shoenbrod of Kennebunkport, ME, and even Graeme King of Putney, VT. It’s also about the boats from the rower/owner perspective. And there’s an in-depth section on the special oars which propel these boats, including Ciolli, Croker, Sargent & Burton, Piantedosi, Sims of Twickenham, Aylings, Shaw & Tenney and more.