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john paul jones and the bonhomme richard


Author: boudriot j.

Publisher: naval institute press

ISBN: 18758358

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In this book, Jean Boudriot has called on the talents of many people, from both sides of the Atlantic, to achieve the goal which he had set: nothing less than bringing to life the wreck of a ship which lies in the deep waters of the North Sea, reconstrucfing it timber by timber in a succession of drawings and showing us, for the first time in more than two hundred years, the true appearance of the Bonhomme Richard on that fateful day in September 1779. The sarne painstaking search for accuracy is found in every chapter: the first detailed account of the farnous and bloody battle with H.M.S. Serapis; an evaluation of the ship’s sailing qualities; a discussion of the uniforms worn by John Paul Jones during those early years of the Arnerican Navy; a series of masterful paintings which breathe life into the events which are recounted; a series of computer drawings which allow us to look at the hull from every perspective; and finally a remarkable model built from Jean Boudriot’s plans. Nothing like this has ever been attempted before.