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italia coast to coast


Subtitle: 1 van, 50 days and 9585 km.

Author: paolo carlini – camilla albertini

Publisher: silvana editoriale

ISBN: 9788836648931

Provided on request

Provided on request


Two photographers, a dog, a van and a project: to travel around the entire coast of Italy, from Trieste to Ventimiglia, including Sicily and Sardinia. A very particular summer, 2020, the year of the pandemic.
A photographic tale, an experience, a travel diary in search also of the wrong road that in the end leads you to the right place.
9585 kilometers enclosed in the shots of this book, which aim to describe not only the beauty and the classic traits of Italy, but above all the particular and the curious ones, avoiding producing common postcard images to privilege, instead, the atmospheres and moods of the people.
The result is a composite and variegated mosaic that accurately restores the continually different beauty – in terms of morphology, nature, history and culture – of Italy.

Languages: English and Italian.

Edition: 2021