grande atlantico
Subtitle: cargo ship stories
Author: ciriello m. trovato m.v.
Publisher: letteraventidue
ISBN: 9788862420167
Provided on request
Provided on request
Smell of naphtha in the air, nostalgia clenched to the banister. And “Grande Atlantico” smokes under immense skies, which clear up and cloud over. The ship goes from Buenos Aires to Hamburg, stops at Paranagua, Santos and Rio. Crossing the equator, it touches Dakar and claims Northern Europe. Back and forth, on the Atlantic Ocean, a prisoner of endless comings and goings established by the market. Forget Melville, Conrad and Stevenson: they can help you get through some afternoons, dream of other worlds. But nowadays life at sea is different: less romantic, a lot of work and few words.
Languages: English and Italian
Price of the book € 18,00 + € 7,00 for the delivery in the bookstore.