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calendar “la grande vela” 2025


Subtitle: 47×68 cm

Author: franco pace

Publisher: franco pace reporter

ISBN: 531227708

7 in stock

7 in stock


In this medium format wall calendar Franco Pace has selected images of international regatta classes and the world’s sailing scene. His photographs allow the viewer to share directly the dynamism and joy of sailing.

The best way to explain Franco Pace’s vision is through his words:

Among the many alternatives that photography offers, I chose sailing. In reality, it wasn’t even a question of choice, since I didn’t even consider other possibilities; it usually happened as a result of an instinctive decision, probably dictated by a character attraction for freedom.

In fact, perhaps nothing better than a sailboat symbolizes this need for freedom that we have all felt at one time or another, freedom to decide your future, to leave or to stop, when and where you want.

But perhaps behind all this, more than the desire to escape from the routine or inconvenience of everyday life, there is an older curiosity: the desire to reach and see new countries, discover other realities and make new acquaintances among the people who live there.

In the end, the real charm of the boat is precisely that of being the means that has always allowed men to realize these aspirations.

Photographing boats is, therefore, just another way to pursue the same dream and tell it.