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beach life


Author: stefan maiwald

Publisher: teneues

ISBN: 9783961714469

Provided on request

Provided on request


The beach: this is always the place where we would rather be. The view of the sea. The sound of the waves. The scent of salt water. This illustrated book portrays the beach as a place of longing, with brilliant photography and entertaining stories: How Coco Chanel invented the summer tan, how the special light on the coast inspired artists like Picasso, of the beauty of deserted beaches, of exclusive dream domiciles, of the iconography of the surfer and of the longest wave ride of all time.

  • The ultimate illustrated book on the beach lifestyle
  • The beauty of the beach photographed in a versatile and lifestylish way
  • Dazzling personalities like Coco Chanel or Pablo Picasso and their relationship to the beach
  • Portraits of exclusive destinations and beach villas
  • Stefan Maiwald is very close to the subject in his adopted country Italy

Edition: 2023