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accrescimenti volume XI


Subtitle: stages of growth of the marine molluscs of the mediterranean sea

Author: maria scaperrotta – stefano bartolini – cesare bogi

Publisher: l’informatore piceno

ISBN: 9788886070140

Provided on request

Provided on request


From the publisher’s preface: […] The extraordinary quality of the images, masterfully created, and the accuracy of the information provided in both Italian and English (Translation: Daniela Marcucci) complete the work that has proved extremely useful. […]

From the authors’ introduction: With these 53 species covered in this volume we have reached the respectable number of 1250 species and this time we really think to conclude here this our work. […] In addition to the new growths, always with the aim of favouring the comparison among species similar to each other and so to help with determinations, we have inserted inside it many new comparison tables (61) […].

Languages: English and Italian

Edition: 2022

Cost of the book € 70,00 + € 7,00 for the delivery at the bookstore.