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the idea factory


Subtitle: lo yacht design italiano si racconta

Author: a cura di francesco michienzi

Publisher: international sea press

ISBN: 9788890256929

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2 in stock (can be backordered)


What’s The Idea Factory? 290 pages, over a thousand images, 28 between designers and design studios that tell the story of contemporary Italian yacht design. An unmissable volume for all those who love boats, the sea and nautical design.

The Made in Italy design is equivalent to excellence, luxury and elegance. Its strength is the ability of joining the quality craftsmanship with the innovation, thanks to the genius of Italian entrepreneurs and designers. The aim of “The Idea Factory” column is to be a reference point for the global boating industry.

For our publishing company it is very important to convey the values which have made the Italian boat great in the world thanks to the designers of our country who are the key to the success of this important productive sector, through their work they have made an unique heritage which is envied and copied all around the world. They have to be defended and promoted, only with their ideas will Italian boats continue to stand out and be appreciated in all the continents. They are the added value of the Made in Italy.

Languages: English and Italian.

Edition: 2018