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dinghy cruising


Subtitle: the enjoyment of wandering afloat

Author: dye m.

Publisher: adlard coles nautical (bloomsbury publishing)

ISBN: 9780713657142

Provided on request

Provided on request


“Dinghy cruising” is a magical way of exploring new coastlines and experiencing nature at close quarters. For families or solo sailors alike it offers a memorable adventure at an affordable cost and with the freedom to pull up at any time, on any beach or riverbank that looks appealing. In this book Margaret Dye shares the knowledge gained from many years’ experience to help others enjoy cruising in a dinghy to the full. With practical advice on how to prepare and equip the boat and tips on how best to cruise in a dinghy, this book will be a boon to anyone (of any age) who longs for the freedom to go where they like when they like on the water. Newly updated to reflect recent developments in kit, equipment and techniques, this edition also includes a chapter on dinghy cruising for those with disabilities.

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