Subtitle: classic ships no. 1 – their history and how to model them
Author: noel c. l. hackney
Publisher: patrick stephens limited (psl)
ISBN: LDM1688741393
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Raro esemplare della prima edizione di Patrick Stephens Ltd (in associazione con Airfix Products Ltd) del 1970 in ottimo stato di conservazione. In-8, legatura editoriale con copertina rigida cartonata illustrata a colori (con qualche segno del tempo ai tagli); 96 pp., con risguardi azzurri illustrati in nero (scollato quello anteriore, strappato quello posteriore), frontespizio illustrato in nero e numerose illustrazioni e fotografie in nero nel testo.
Dall’introduzione: […] This book is the first in a new dual-purpose series. It is hoped that the true ship enthusiasts will learn from it, and that model makers will benefit by being able to produce replicas that are a definite cut above the average. Additionally, it may encourage these sailing ship enthusiasts to become model makers, and vice versa.
The most effective way to build an accurate model is to do it in the same order as that used by the original builders. This is the basis of the system detailed in this book […].
[…] Because of the limited size of this volume, it has been necessary to make some arbitrary decisions as to what could be included. My first decision has been to keep the structural alterations to a minimum and to concentrate on accurate colouring and rig. […] and my second decision has therefore been to concentrate on the harbour rig of the ship as she rests in dock today […].