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greece, sea guide volume III


Sottotitolo: ionian sea, west coast of the mainland and peloponnisos (excluding the eastern coast)

Autore: aa.vv.

Editore: eagle ray

ISBN: 9789608974289

1 disponibili (ordinabile)

1 disponibili (ordinabile)

COD: 9789608974289 Categorie: ,


Third volume of the “Greece, Sea Guide” series. As a chartbook, it contains all the nautical charts needed in order to navigate, enriched with local information on weather, winds, currents and special characteristics of each place. As a pilot book, it contains all the harbours and a large amount of bays which cannot be found in any other nautical publication. The plans are enriched with local knowledge, facilities, local data and photos that are collected by continual on-site research.

Languages: English and Greek

Edition: 2016

Cm 29×42

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