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building outrigger sailing canoes


Sottotitolo: modern construction methods for three fast beautiful boats

Autore: dierking g.

Editore: international marine (mcgraw hill education)

ISBN: 9780071487917

Da procurare su richiesta

Da procurare su richiesta

COD: 9780071487917 Categoria:


Build the fastest most exotic sailboats around! Popular in Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, outrigger canoes combine the romance of the South Seas with a ruthless efficiency of design and breathtaking sailing performance. This is the first book to present complete plans and building instructions for three outrigger sailing canoes. Based on traditional Hawaiian and Micronesian types, the designs are lightweight, easy to build and screamingly fast. Author Gary Dierking shows you how to build these boats using stitch-and-glue and strip-planking construction, explains what tools and materials are required, how to rig and equip the boats and more.

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